Noah and his ark

Noah and his Ark

There was a man named Noah,
Who was the owner to an ark,
It was good, however,
There was nowhere he could park,

This huge, wooden structure,
Anywhere on the land,
As well as the fact,
That heavy rain was planned,

Which unknown to the people
Was going to be a flood,
But although Noah didn’t know this,
He wanted to do good,

He didn’t want all the animals,
To get soaked in the rain,
Although it would be difficult,
For them to complain,

So he paired them all up,
Two by Two,
Everyone else wondered,
What he was going to do,

With no conferring,
He buddle them onto the ark,
The structure that he,
Had nowhere to park,

So via a bridge,
He got them all on board,
He personally felt,
That he had scored,

Against the people,
Who didn’t believe,
What putting animals on a boat,
Was going to achieve,

But nevertheless,
He squeezed them all on,
And when he had finished,
He felt it a job well done,

Two of every animal,
On the earth,
Anything living on,
Human turf,

A pair of Hippos,
Lions and Kangaroos,
Tigers, and Rhinoceros,
Pelicans too,

Then without any warning,
The rain begins to fall,
But all the animals are nice and dry,
They don’t get wet at all,

But the rain starts to fall faster,
Turning into a violent flood,
But because they are in a wooden boat,
They float as far as they could,

Though, of course, there’s one more thing,
That I have not taken into account,
That is of course, has to be,
The vast, vast, sheer amount,

Of land that is now ocean,
As the rivers burst their banks,
If the animals were there, they would have drowned,
They owed Noah many thanks,

So everyone who overlooked him,
Knew they should not have laughed and jeered,
As of course, it weren’t as daft,
As it first appeared,

Noah saved animals,
On this very wet day,
And to Noah and his Ark,
We say hip hip Hooray!
♠ ♠ ♠
Started in 2009