Flames of a Past Love

I hastily paced back home trying to fight against the frosty bitter gusts of wind that marked autumn’s return. Hood was up and bags around my arm as I shoved my hands into the petite pockets of my sweater until I stopped dead in my tracks. The young man gazed at me curiously as he wondered what could have caused me to come to such an abrupt stop as I stared deeply into his illegal work. I suppose it did seem strange.

There was no sudden movement as I intently looked into that scorching smoldering display of oranges and just a bit of blue. The crackling sound and flickering brought me spiraling back to the past. It was perhaps a sense of déjà vu. I must have been imagining it as all the orange seemed to disapear and all I saw was flames of electric blue. It made me feel strangely at peace. I felt at home. And suddenly it was no longer shreds of pieces of paper but it was the initials J + S written in hand sanatizer that was aflame. I laughed at the memory even though it made my heart ache.

I shook the memories out of my mind as I felt the sharp pains hitting directly toward my heart and continued to walk. I know I only stopped for a couple of seconds and yet it seemed to last a lifetime. No matter what I do it seems to always come back to him. Why is it so hard to forget the one that has clearly forgotten about me. All I want to do is break this spell he has cast over me.

He makes a rush of different emotions come over me. I’ve never missed and yet disliked someone so much. But no matter what thoughts race through out my mind I rather him think I absolutely do not care. But of course that was the farthest thing away from what I truly felt. I just pray to God that soon it will all disapear just like the flame that went out and left its trace of gray smoke moving towards the night sky leaving me with the forbidden memories of a past love.
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So I was walking home and this kid randomly puts this paper on fire which sadly reminded me of my ex. It reminded me of the time he wrote J + S (our initials) and then put it on fire which was pretty crazy. But the Flames just stayed there without burning anything and it looked like our initials were written beautiful blue flames. So I decided to write about this of course because yeah I love to write.