Tell them

I speak a word
but no one has heard
I scream for peace
yet i am ignored
I wait til night
when their heads rest
"Mom ..
Dad .."
Even thought im not heard
I let out a sigh
My brother walks in
"Amanda im on your side"
Hand in hand
We shake them awake
"what do you want you stupid mistake?" says Dad
Im frozen without a word to say
"speak child or go back to sleep"
"I hate when you hit her
I done being ignored
Im done being the toy
You fight over
She does nothing to you
but make sure your safe
How could you let us watch
her fall for your mistakes
You got drunk
You stumbled in
No your never fine
Til she helps you stand
Tell him brother
tell him what we see
speak words you've said to me"
I look to my side and no one is there
My mother breaks out in tears
Father sends me back to my room
"How dare you say such things
Knowing he's not there..."
Tears slide down my face
Brother died last month
While mom and dad went out getting drunk
Sick as can be lay-ed down ya see
Never woke up and to blame was me
They fight everyday with fist
Im done being blamed for this
"Dad!" i yell from the hall
"its not my fault
I loved him alot
He came to me
Tonight he held my hand
And told me to take a stand
He's tired of seeing y'all fight
And blame me for his goodbye
Im moving out next week
You've lost two not one
Live with the pain
Im moving pass y'all
Whats there for me to gain?
A world of pride
That knows the word peace
A world that actually wants to listen to me
Id advise you to do the same mom
He's an ass-whole to you
You deserve better
You know how i know?
He speaks to other women when your not home!
Tell her father!
Tell her what you do
How you wished he didn't die
cause you had your bags packed
Ready to leave us behind!"
He packs his bags once more
I don't needs this
He yells out from behind
"Good-bye little bitch"
While my is wiping her tears
I spoke to her of how our nightmares
have just walked out and amazingly disappeared.
She smiles and turns me
Thank you baby
You saved me
He still stands by my side even though
he's not seen
But he will be heard
Thanks to me