
She used to be so brave.
So daring and nice.
She used to not care.
She used to love.
Until that one day came along.
It was inevitable.
Somewhere deep down she knew.
She knew it was bound to happen.
But she stays strong,
Even today.
She fakes that famous smile all day.
Then at night as she cries herself to sleep,
She prepares for the next day.
She hardly trusts anyone.
She doesn't tell a soul
How she really feels.
She doesn't think it matters.
She doesn't think they care.
She goes through the day like a robot.
Afraid to brake normality,
For fear of being unwanted.
She doesn't know how this one even could
Unravel her entire life.
But it just did.
She didn't question it at the time.
She thought it happened to everyone.
But she couldn't have been more wrong.
She knows now that regrets are many,
Happy times are few.
But she will never be the same.
She just simply believes.
She believes that everyone can smile.
They can smile that famous smile.
And just carry on.
At least until they're alone.
She knows,
That she will never,
Be the same.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. This is about me. Just a different style of writing.