The Phoenix Is A Narcissistic Fool

The Phoenix is a narcissistic fool
Rising again to fall into descent.
All that he loves will fall into a pool
Of mortal pain and endless loneliness.
He will not die, yet cannot pull away
From a cruel life doomed to repetition;
Instead, he comes to live another day
Where dreams never bloom into fruition,
Yet, all who see him can't help but admire
His courage to live a life all alone;
And at his end, he burns inside the fire
Of life and death, arising from the bones
And ashes of his past mortality,
Living life by feeding on our pity.
♠ ♠ ♠
The phoenix has always astounded me. In astrology, the Phoenix is the final transformation of one born under the sign: Scorpio(me). It seems, to me, that the phoenix is doomed by life and death. He resurrects himself, only to come back alone. Rather astounding, yet narcissistic. Just like me. I found this picture and thought it represented what I wanted better than the others.