Blind Night

We walk a path
This path of fate
We care not for the people
We care not for ourselves

We blind ourselves to the night
We hide away from the truth
This oblivion that we live in
This is our home

The fire and rage
The hate and pain
All this for what?

On this night
This Blind Night
I ask you
Open your heart
Open your Soul
See the world of what we live in

Yes there is pain
Yes there is suffering
But we share this pain
We share this suffering

We can try to hide ourselves
We can try to pretend
But no more
It is not up to me
It is not up to you
Its about all of us

On this Blind Night
We must fight
Not for war
Or land
Or money
But for life
We are all one
We are United

So I ask you
I ask you dearly
Question yourself
Do I care
Do I care for others?
Do I care for all of us

The truth hurts
It will always hurt
But this should inspire you
Make you want to do good

The Blind Night is only once
So use it well
For tonight
Is your last chance
To do good.
♠ ♠ ♠
I dont remember writing this but apparently i wrote it nearly a year go
So here you go!