Self Explanations

I inhale emotions, and I exhale words.
For anything you'll say, I'll have a quip.
I'm composed of a little something called sarcasm, and chemicals.
Misanthropy is my nature.
[I am a monster]
I love to hate, and hate to love.
I live for trademarks, and strive for imperfect perfection.
Nonconformity is my specialty.
I'm a pacifist, wanna fight about it?
I am for love, for pictures and feelings.
My anthem is an unreleased rock song.
I shall die as I've lived.
I despise the pronoun of self, and all implications of a better tomorrow.
I express myself in muted colours.
If I spoke half as much as I write, my mouth would fall off.
My thought process is twisted.
I spell like I'm British, because an eighth of me is.
Another 3/4 is German.
Singing is my failing passion of interest.
I have no God but of rock and soul.
I will never listen to anyone's opinions of me.
Low self-esteem is an ongoing affair of mine.
I would take a bullet for any of my friends.
Talking trash is a grade-A way to get your ass kicked with me.
I frequently use the mouth of a sailor, even if I've the mind of a saint.
I often digress and reiterate.
Spelling is my number one penchant.
I'm a creature of the cold and dark.
I'm an animal person, not a people one.
I make up words daily.
My speeches are often long winded, and boring as hell.
I am the Kilgannon Kid.
[And if this doesn't move your heart to pieces, nothing else will]