Silence and Caskets

Small tug on sleeve,
Gently pulled downwards.
Childlike words,
"What is it?"

Fathers kind eyes look beneath.
Answer is given, layered in warmth.
Grateful for short reprieve,
Child awaits wisdom's voice.

"It is the beginning of a journey.
An unknown walk we cannot follow.
A place we cannot see,
A land we must wait to go."

Tiny, curt, nod.
Silence filled with moments.
Then sharp tug on sleeve.
"What is it?"

Fathers pain filled eyes look upwards.
Answer is given, laced with cool flame.
Wishing time could give way.
Child awaits, regardless.

"It is the end of mornings.
Clock halted in place.
Long, undisturbed sleep,
Where waking is but a dream."

Confused, look and turn.
Voice met with quiet.
Then timid tug on sleeve.
"What, is it?"

Fathers empty eyes stare outwards.
Answer is given, echoed and hollow.
Mind blank with bliss.
Child awaits, machines reply.

"It is the crime of life.
Met with plea and sentence.
Verdict but a given,
To all mankind's children."

Thoughtful, glance away.
Question held by tongue.
Then urgent tug on sleeve.
"What is it?"

Fathers eyes stare beyond.
Answer is given, from deep within.
Time locked in memory.
Child awaits final speech.

"It is when warm meets cold.
When face become locked and blank.
Frozen for all time,
Thawed only with mind."

Knowing tilt of head.
Hand takes hand.
Step, matched by step.
And close the casket.