Not a dream anymore

Is it a dream or am i awake?
Is this feeling real or is it fake?

Will you be there for me in the morning?
Or will you fade leaving me in longing?

No i know the answer, I know this time it's real,
I know that you will feel everything i feel.

Life can be beautiful but it needs you to be complete,
Sometimes its sour but you have the ability to make it sweet.

Some nights will be dark and moonless,
Still I'm sure that you'll be there to light them with that shine you possess.

Your voice will be the soft tune penetrating the dreary silence,
I forgot the meaning of the word lonely in your presence.

You surpassed my dreams of prince charming on his white horse,
In my weak states you were my positive force.

Your eyes are my stars in cloudy nights,
And you'll always be there to share my delights.

I don't dream anymore of knights in shinning armor,
You are the only one i want forever.