Head Above Water

You breath deeply not knowing when you'll go under,

Keep moving, don't stop now

Keep your head above the water

Don't give up now,

Your almost there

To that shore you seek

That closure that you need.

No one can save you from yourself

I learned that the hard way,

As I have let myself go under the dark water

It consumes you and eats at your heart

But you need the strength that I didn't have

I know you strugle ever day and I feel your pain,

As i go through it myself every day

The strength to even get out of your own bed,

Some days it is hard to deal with keeping your head above the water of stress

But you need to know that you are not the only one

There are many who suffer this

Including me

But you have to be strong and push through the mile stones

Keep your head above the water

And you will have done more then I could have

Even through the name calling, and people giving up on you

Know that you are your own person

And get through anything that live throws at you

Just like in the cold water in a swimming pool,

Just keep your head above the water

And live...