Wonders and Thoughts

As life passes by we begin to wonder about the choices we made through the years.
From it being friends we decide to keep and to the ones we decide to let go.
We let the memories of our past flow through our minds as they become more clear than before.
Either if it's of the first time we went to school or whenever we did something outrageous.
While our minutes tick away thoughts of the things we wish to forget begin to process in our heads.
It can go from the time you had your first heartache to the time you lost someone dear to your heart.
We look back on the mistakes we have made in trough the life we live and we begin to realize running from them is pointless.
Even if the mistake was the time you fell for the same person again or spread something that wasn't true.
No matter what we try to do life will have us thinking.
It'll always have our mind wondering about the things we want to think about.
Even what we're too scared to think about.
As we count the days that go along we think about the future.
We think about what we want to be and where we want to be.
Can anyone remember what our answer was when we were children?
In the future we all want to be a someone.
We want everyone to know who we are and have the spotlight on only us.
As time goes on we can't help but wonder about everything and anything.