
Walking along in a shadow,
A shadow of her former self,
She couldn't help believe,
That her life was to end right there.
She couldn't help but see,
Her life her memory,
Fading away,
To somewhere in the past.
She was always wondering,
The same damn things.
Why did I get this life,
Why can't they see,
There is nothing left for me to do here,
So please just let me be.
I hurt inside,
A long continuing break,
A heart that just wont mend.
So please just let me let it end.
So she pulled the trigger,
And everything went black,
She thought to herself,
This time I'm not coming back.
No more shadows of her former self,
Haunting her,
She was now....
Some one else
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this a long time ago... yes me no one else.