You Have Reached Your Destination.

Walking for miles upon miles
I’m not looking for a place
Happiness is my destination.

I’m searching for the right person
The one who will just make me feel
Make me feel something.

I waited for you to come along
To show me the way
To the special place.

I waited and waited
So cold, so cold
I have not reached my destination.

So I gave up looking
For something that will never be
I’ll be lonely, forever in the wrong place.

Through not looking
I missed everything
There you stood, in the daylight.

You walked miles upon miles
Looking for someone
Someone to give you that feeling.

You never arrived at your destination
So you too gave up
Never looking, never seeking.

We two lonely soles
Never looking where we are going
You turned the corner face down.

Sudden thunder roared
So I looked up, so did you
Our smiles connected.

There was that moment
The moment that told me
You are my destination.