
Open your eyes, clear the smoke from your eyes,

and maybe you'll see,

The world as it truly is.

The black and white keys of the piano sing a downful melody;

The world choses favorites, and it's favorites get the best,

while the rest are forgetten.

The cloulds turn gray as they fill up with tears,

until they can hold no more.

One by one, these clouds start to cry,

and they cry for so long that the world starts to flood with their watery tears.

The bodies of water are the tears of the fallen,

Several drops of tears make up these bodies.

The sky thunders as it shouts in frustration,

but nobody listens.

The strong minded are the wolves,

the weak are the lambs,

and hardly ever do the lambs win this game of tag.

Running forever down a path that has no end,

Trying to escape but never managing to outrun,

the world's fears and hatred.

The world has pulled the floor

from under your feet.

You're falling down a dark hole,

and there's noone at the bottom,

waiting to catch you when you land.

You've finally reached a dead end,

and the road you came from has disappeared,

and left you stranded.

There's no escape,

you're stuck in quicksand,

slowly sinking under, until you are no more.

There's no where to go,

No where to run, yet you try anyway.

There's no ending,

just a beginning.

Where you end,

is where you started.

The truth is too hard,

you can't hold much more,

without falling off the edge of the cliff,

where you have been left.

So you close your eyes,

putting the smokescreen back up.

When you open them again,

a fog covers the truth,

and suddenly the world doesn't seem as bad.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a poem that I wrote and posted on Wattpad but decided to post on here as well so other people could enjoy it. It is also something that I came up with one day on the spur of the moment.