The Sun Shall Rise Again

Numb, I watch the sun rise
Unknowing of the dreams that await me

Numb, I play in the midday sun
Unknowing of the opportunity
That waits for me
Lying on the other side of the mountain

Numb, the sun sinks low over the horizon
And then I open my eyes

The world has turned
And I am lost

The world has changed
And I long for the way it was before

Night so eminent
I draw myself closer
To the things I know

Time couldn’t take me back
So now I’m stuck
Facing the impossible future

Uncertainty grips me
And I gasp for air
Where did it go?

All those long hours
Playing in the sun
Wishing for the next day
When all we had to do
Was wish for this one

So now I will wash my tears
With the blood on the horizon
And wait for the sun to set

I will watch the stars
And talk to the moon
Knowing that the sun shall come again

*facing senior year in High school, it finally just hit me*