Tea Stained Pages Ripped with Care

No one knows sacrifice quite like she does
Through all her years she’s seen more than you should wish
Her scars show upon her aging skin
But around her eyes are lines of smiles
And no one knows disappointment quite like her
For try as she might the world still holds her hostage
And you’ll never know how many tears she’s cried
Because she still smiles with her deep green eyes
No, no one knows pain quite like her heart does
No one knows the feeling of being lost
Or abandoned
As she sits in her wheelchair and peers out the window
The summer calls to her just like it did years ago.
No one knows of true love, like her story knows
A tragedy unfolding, gracefully it shines
Like the ring on her finger.
She still wears it to remember.
No one knows what cold really feels like
Until the warmth has been ripped away
But that was years ago.
No one knows the struggle
Of being an only mother
And a widowed lover,
Who tried to be the perfect daughter
With red roses in her hand.
No one knows her story
As her hair turns snowy white,
She pulls out her rosary
And prays to God tonight, with a smile in her eyes
Because she knows sacrifice quite like he does.
And as she lays her head down on the pillow
she closes her green eyes,
and signs the paper with the quill in her right hand
for no one on earth knows a purer joy quite like she does right now
as she lets everything go, and falls into his arms.
Together again, forevermore
As the cover of her life closes, a new page is waiting to be created.