The End

The end,
It’s a funny sort of word,
For the way we all turned out,
Because this ending seems quite blurred,

We didn’t solve every last mystery,
We didn’t tie every loose end,
It never really stopped,
So it’s hard to comprehend,

I suppose some things did change,
Some of us did leave,
Some of us are happy,
And some of us still grieve,

But it still doesn’t seem right,
For the good guys didn’t win,
But in the end there weren’t any good guys,
For all of us did sin,

Two of us are dead,
And two of us are new,
It doesn’t seem right that we get to live,
While the other’s time is through,

And yet I still don’t understand how this could be the end,
We only know half the story!
Who was David, why did Daniel die?
Why don’t any of us get the glory?

But I guess we’ll never really understand,
We’ll leave it to our children to know,
We’ll be the generation who were almost there,
The ones who don’t reap the seeds they sow,

It doesn’t seem right, and it never will,
How some of us aren’t here to see,
Just how beautifully confusing,
This ending turned out to be.