P.S. I love you!

You say you love me.
Do you really?
I see your face in the hall.
So I hid my feelings and what you said was beautiful smile.
I think about you all the time
I see you look at me then at your feet and I wonder what you think
Cuz I know you've seen all the changes and what, but I can't bring myself to talk to you,
I wonder all the time what would have been and what would have been diffrent
You know I still care and I Know you do too
With you it felt like heaven
but with out you I felt dead and still do.
I miss you and hear you talk about me.
Then why are we playing this game.
Why don't you come back?
I always have a place for you. ( in my heart?)
But here's the thing
you toke my heart and never gave it back
so either
a) you kill me and what's left and what's left
b) Tell me the truth and yourself the truth
I would be better knowing then getting lied to.
So I guess your just going to let me keep falling
I hope you catch me and never let me go!

P.S. I love you !
♠ ♠ ♠
My best friend practical sister was in the same situation as Kaia and she wrote this which eventually I made into a free-verse poem and made a story behind it :)