Intoxicating Love

Is it your eyes that make me love you?
Is it your smile, your embrace, your honesty?
Or is it truely all of you, your presence, your face, so angelic and so at peace.
Yes, everyone worships you as our "Saviour" or our "Hero" ....... Are you truely our Saviour?
Or are you a Devilish man, a man influenced by demonic powers, making you so Irresistable?
Even at this moment, I wish to be by your side. Singing your songs, coming up with our own, s loving circle of our bondage.
So tell me, Who is this beautiful man I look up to, you blue intoxicating eyes, your crazy wild hair, your small yet tall lanky body.
Who are you Mister?
Please .... Please, tell me who you are?!
'Cause your love is addicting, my drug, I go to you, your voice, your smile day by day.... waiting for the day to kiss you lips .............