
Flashes of light, of white, of bright
Figures flitting to and fro.
What are they doing?
Where are they going?

Twirling and spinning, spinning and twirling.
Muffled cries and gleeful shrieks.

Flashes of white, of bright, of light
Streaking through the dark.
Where did it come from?
Where has it gone?

Twirling and spinning, spinning and twirling.
Up is down and down is up.

Flashes of bright, of light, of white
Hovering over hapless heaps.
What is it?
Or rather, who?

Flashes of light, of white, of bright
Eyes shining wide with wonder.
What are they looking at?
Why do they shine in the dank dark?

Twirling and spinning, spinning and twirling.
Pouring rain and the cold creeping in.

Flashes of white, of bright, of light
Gleaming off gilded gold and glittering glass.
When did it appear?
How can it hide?

Twirling and spinning, spinning and twirling.
Sweaty hands and rough skin.

Flashes of bright, of light, of white
Teeth flashing as its owner tells its tales.
What tongue is it speaking?
Where are we dancing to?

Twirling and spinning, spinning and twirling.
The music stops and the spinning continues.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here it is open to constructive criticism.
That would be