Love Lost

1)You told me I was your only Sunshine
2)That I was beautiful and gorgeous
3)That I was your Angel and so lucky to finally find me
4)That I was the best girlfriend you had ever had
5)You told me you meant it truly
6)you use to tell me stuff like this
7)I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE you mean the world to me you truly do i wouldnt have you any different than you are my crazy little weirdo
8)It used to make me so happy inside
9)I felt someone actually Loved me
10)you told me it so much I believed it
11)i llove you babe your amazing
12) You would melt my heart when we had conversations like this:
13)I love you so much sweetie
14)aww your so cute i love you to too very much hunny
15)I'm not nearly half as cute as you are
16)yes you r babe
17)If you say so
18)You didn't mind the mushy stuff and
our love was blossoming
19) into a beautiful rose without the thorns
20) we were so in Love almost inseparable
21) I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!! Your really beautiful
22)aww I LOVE YOU TOO!!!! your really hansome
23)We were quirky with the way we said things to show our love to one another
but we didn't care we Loved one another
24) I was your little weirdo and you enjoyed they way I told you i loved you in my strange way like this:
25)of coarse i always wanted a relationship with you oh thats right i already have one with you
26)And it's the best
27)you would buy me little presents just for heck of it, and even though material things don't mean much to me it was the thought that counted
28)It felt so nice though to have you think of me that way, by buying me a gift for no special occasion just to show your token of love was enough for me
29) Your words were my dream when you told me more and more of those words I loved to see them on my screen and hear you speak them so gently in my ear
30) They were the best when you spoke them at random times
31)I love you sweetie
32)love you too
33) when we made Love it wasn't just sex or lust it was passionate love
33)It was our bodies intertwined wrapped in the warmth of our love
34)Our hearts beating in in a rhythmic triad together
35) Appreciating the beauty of both our bodies
36)Then one day things changed
37) We were a rose with thorns and are fighting began
38) You hurt me with your words when you made it out to people I was some kind of huge bitch.
39) You had stopped calling me beautiful and everything
40) you began secret messages between my ex roommate and called her sexy, it hurt so bad when I saw those words
41) Because I though I was the only girl for you in your eyes
42) Our Love making became to feel less passionate as the days went on
43) You made Love to me one morning and then found a message saying you wanted to be single
44) I began to feel like a piece of ass too, and that's all you wanted from me
45) Then things just started to spiral out of control, and I felt hopeless with emotions bottled up with no release for them
46) You told me you never meant to hurt me so much and you would never do those things to me again
47)I believed you, and thought it was truthful
48) Later, that same day you went behind my back and did what you told me you wouldn't do ever again
47) I tried to make our Love last but then you decided I was not good enough for you or it felt as that
48) and You Shattered My Heart
49)We didn't talk much after that
50) You should up on the doorstep 2 month later to get your things
51) You were asked among two witness if you had feelings for me and still Loved me
52) You looked me in the eyes and said Yes
53) You were asked do you want to get back with me
54)You looked me in the eye and said Yes
55) But you won't even try
56)All I want is you back and be able to have the conversations of
57)I love you so much
58)aww I love you too so very much

59)You mean so much to me and you don't even know
♠ ♠ ♠
(experts, from actual fb messages from my ex and me) I will tell you what lines are his messages sent to me by the number of the line 7,11,13,15,17,21,26,31,57
and yes its as if im talking to him

yes it does talk about (sex)