

The Smartest in the Land.

Doctors, Lawyers, and Police.

Saving lives, putting away the guilty and stopping crime.

Fixing problems.

We are the people that rule the land.

We take care of nature and seek its benefits.

But, we’re pompous, arrogant, and cruel.

We’ll walk all of You, call You names and never apologize.

Geek, slut, goth, emo, four-eyes, freak, fat-so.

We’ll cause problems for fun and not care who gets hurt.

I’ve seen it happen; they All think that they are so much better than everyone else.

But in the end no one cares who’s stepped on because we are -

Doctors, Lawyers and Police.

Saving lives, putting away the guilty and stopping crime.

We are accepted for who we are.

The Smartest in the Land.