Funny? Not Really...

Funny how things change, no?
Things you never though could, did,
maybe for the better, perhaps for the worst.
Who can tell? I can't.

It's funny how one can mature so quickly,
when you never noticed,
like a secret screen change,
hidden in the plainest sight, out in the open,
Right in front of you, and yet, it was still invisible.

How one day, you can feel depressed
over the silliest thing, and the next thing you notice,
you think the world is wonderful,
and you don't understand how you could think, otherwise

Funny, isn't? Not really actually,
on the outside we laugh, as if it was an inside joke,
but was it really all the funny?
Sad more like, how we think back,
feeling annoyed and want to say, " Stupid, why?!"

The world is never as funny, as one would think,
Funny. What is humor? Is it when,
a guy falls of his skate board trying to,
perform a trick way above his level?
Is it when someone can't answer a question right,
because it was something everyone would know?

Is funny, when someone makes a mistake,
at someone else's expense?
Why is the world funny like that?
What does funny really mean?

It's funny how things change, no?
Not really. Isn't that what we all really want to say?
Do we ever want things to change?
What good is change?
Is change really inevitable?

Is a hopeful heart really worth the 50/50 chance?