Eat Your Heart Out

Run fast, run fast you little c*nt.
You are now part of my hunt
I will devour you piece by piece,
Because you are the grand feast.

Your blood is like my wine.
Smother you in ketchup and you'll taste fine.
Don't be scared now, mon cheri,
Because this is part of my killing spree.

Scream, and I'll kill you slow,
Backhand you 'cus you're my h*e.
Slow and painful is your fate,
Because untenderized meat I hate.

As you lay you'll stain my floor,
You disgusting, dirty wh*re.
Struggle all you want, it just excites me.
Your aroma is so enticing.

Tear you open and rip out your heart.
Now that, is my favorite part.
An act of hate is what they say.
But, honestly I just want to make you pay.

You know what you did and you know what I am.
Plead all you want, I just don't give a damn.
So run fast, run fast, away from your shame.
We are now playing my favorite game.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just something I wrote when I was watching Cannibal movies like Hannibal, Hannibal Rising and Grimm Love.