
By:Jessica A.K.A. LadyPsychoIcy

Spirits are haunting me,
Every time i turn around,
I see them i dont know,
If they are nice or not,
One is glowing white the other,
Is glowing red they must,
Be an Angel and a Devil,
But the red spirit has,
Not hurt me if he is evil,
They both seem so nice,
I always thought the red ,
One was so evil and mean,
But he not he is so nice,
And sweet he watches out,
For me he has my back,
All the way and im glad,
He does they both watches,
Out for me they watch,
Over me all the time,
I think they was sent to me,
To watch over me im glad,
They do i would be lost,
With out them both if they,
Wasnt here i would be so,
Dang lost wouldnt know,
What to do but they are,
Like my brothers and i love,
Them im glad they are around,
Always and for ever,
But the odd thing is they,
Stay glowing brighter,
And brighter all the time,
They look so awesome,
Glowing a white and red,
Colors its so pretty to,
Look at,At night in a dark,
Room they sit for hours,
talking to me about,
My day and if i have,
A bad day then we sit all,
Night and day talking,
About it and they,
Seem to make me feel,
Better and it helps,
Me alot i like talking,
My problems out cant,
Keep it bottle up inside,
For long it might cause,
Problems for you that you,
Dont want or need,
But thats my thoughts,
On this whole spirits,
Haunting you day and,
Night year after year,
Month after month,
But some spirits was,
Sent to watch over you,
To keep you safe from,
Everyone and everything,
Like mine are doing they,
Watch over me all the,
Time its very nice to,
Know some is watching,
Over me keeping me,
Safe I love knowing,
That im never alone in,
This world as i thought,
I smile big when i see,
Them and hear them every,
Day and night Thank you,
For sending me two lovely,
Spirits to watch over me,
To protect me from everything.

~The End~