
Butterflies fly through me
Knowing that your here in reality
I like to think of myself as independent
Its like by God you were sent
You are the one who is always there
But right now things aren't fair
And your not mine
Without you I feel the need to resign
Then your smile pulls me back
And like glass I crack

Butterflies fly through me
From you there is no apology
I will always forgive you
Because I know your always true
Because your not mine,I'll let you fly
Fly to the highest sky
So free and willing
hoping you'll come back smiling
Ready finally belong to me forever
To never leave me whatsoever

Butterflies fly through me
Even knowing my idiocracy
For loving you when I shouldn't
Loving you knowing I couldn't
Actually have you to hold
And to grow old
So thank you for being there
You were my prayer
Thank you for loving me
Your name shall be kept in secrecy.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is about the boy that I was in love with,who was also my best friend.