why for no reason

why for no reason.

all i did was love you
all i did was protect you
and take care of you.
why ?
beacause i cared?
yes because i cared.
i love you.
and you say you love me
but you turn around
and DESTROY my trust
you broke it into a million little pieces.
is it your parents?
or your doubt of self?.
you hurt me so bad
i cryed blood not tears.
blood the source of life.
blood the liquid that flows through my heart
the heart that you broke
girl you broke it so bad.
i wonder "IF" i ever take you back
could it be healed?
could it.
or would it be partialy healed.
never to be fully repaired by the harshness of which you broke it.
so brutal.
but you looked so calm and peacefull when you broke it
like you knew but didnt care.
i love you rebekah mcintosh.
but i am so hurt.
hurt to the point that i am scared
yes scared.
scared to go through this again.
scared you will destory me again.
i want happiness and peace
and nothing but to love you.
but i am scared.
so scared to have my heart ripped apart like a play toy again.
i am sorry to say this.
but bekah if you want me back you will have to start all over again with my trust
the trust that you built
but destroyed
like it was nothing
like just a piece of meat laying on the ground.

written by:anthony tamburini
written about.rebekah mcintosh("the love of my life")
