It's Not Fair

Isn't it great how things just seem to
Work out?
How it comes together
In the end?
Oh, aren't you lucky;
Bailed out once again,
While I sit and suffer
Not a penny to my name
Because I'm your fall back.

Miss Moneybags, I am not.
You have friends that are willing
And what do I have?
Whining when I need a hand.
Sorry, and all.

I can't do this.
I'm breaking out
Freaking out
Because it's an endless cycle.
I'm bullied into something
And then I have to pay my way out
Only to be bullied into ti again.

It's not fair;
I'm not that much older than you.
You have so much more than me
Because I'm old enough now
To provide for myself
And you're still barely a child,
With a hot head that intimidates
And crocodile tears
That sway.

Two whole weeks
Of my hard earned money
Thrown at you,
And then for another year.
How is that fair?

Here's an idea:
Get a job
And stop milking money
Off of everyone else.