
Last night I spoke to the moon,
Face to softly glowing face.
I told her of the dreams I had
During my unconsciousness' embrace.

I told her that in these dreams I had
That I held the power to fly.
What wonderful dreams! the moon exclaimed.
But that is not so, said I.

For in the dreams, I scarcely could
Hover few feet off the floor.
And try as I could to touch the skies,
Higher I could go no more.

Silence befell then, upon her and I,
And melancholy hung in the air.
Then dear Lune broke silence and said,
My friend, do not despair.

Take heed the words I say, said she.
One day you'll surely touch the sky.
And perhaps one day, one fateful day,
To me, my friend, you'll come and fly.
♠ ♠ ♠
The conversation I had in real life was quite one-sided. Haha. But really, I never thought about my failed attempts of flying in my dreams until now. Now in my dreams, I jump off staircases.