
Jessica Marie Starr

I spoke to you out loud today
As tears fell from my eyes
I could almost feel your tender touch
And hear your sweet reply
You told me not to worry
That heaven’s where you stay
And that you’re always with me
You’re never far away
You told me you are happy
And that you feel no pain
You let your love embrace me
And said you wish I felt the same
I told you of my grief for you
And all the things I’ll miss
I told you that I’m sorry
That you had to go through this
I told you of the guilt I feel
For the time I let slip by
And all the things I’d do and say
If I had one more try
I cried for all the plans we made
That now can never be
And all the lives that you have touched
The way you did for me
I talked about your smile
And how you lit up a room
You taught me a valuable lesson
That family is who you choose
I told you that I’ve never met
Another person quite like you
And that I know I never will
No matter what I do
You never judged or criticized
My actions or my words
You accepted me for me
And every word I said you heard
You opened up your heart
And welcomed me inside
Without a second thought
You let me in your life
You said I was your sister
In your heart and in your mind
I never knew that I could feel that way
In such a short amount of time
You told me that you had to go
That someone else was needing you
And as you told me this
I felt my tears begin anew
You told me you are listening
To everything I say
And that you hear me even when
You seem so far away
I told you that I love you
That you’re my sister and ill spend
Each day thinking of you
Until we meet again.