
Her soul
It's barely there anymore

She used to wish to be friends
But now wants to be enemies

You broke her heart
And made her cry

She doesn't want to see you any more
Doesn't want to show her pain

She hides behind her anger
Hides behind food

Trying not to be seen
Trying not to cry

She wants what she can't have
He doesn't even know her name

She doesn't want them to see
All the pain she carries

The scars she hides
The secrets she holds

She acts as if she doesn't care
As if she's violent

When honestly that's not her at all
She's just broken

Beyond repair
No one can fix her

She thinks it unfair
Why must she suffer

Why can't they see
All the trouble they cause her

That she hides deep underneath
Afraid to show

Afraid to teased about
Thinking it'll just make things worst

Not knowing if her secrets will help
Or just cause her more pain

She needs someone to try
And fix her

But she knows it's not possible
She to far gone

To be pulled back
To broken to be repaired

She will be
Forever broken