What Happened?

What Happened to you? Why do you have to make everything out to be everyone Else's fault but your own. Life is slowly getting better without you. I don't need you to be complete anymore like I thought I did. Turns out in this situation, you are the liar. Not me. You seem to forget I have a supportive family. I cant get over the depressing feeling in my heart. The urge to kill myself is greater than ever and you will probably dance on my grave. I'd gladly let you. I don't care.

Why do you think it's okay to twist a situation around and make the actual innocent person seem like the bad guy? Why do you need to hurt a person who actually cared about you, but you just couldn't see it. Anything I've done for you in the past I don't regret, but I'm just wondering why I get what I got in return.

I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to be friends with whomever I choose to be friends with. You can't stop that. You also can't stop the ache I feel and the tears begin to fall, when I think of you. It's pointless, I know. I don't care though.

Before you go asking what happened to me, why don't you give yourself a reality check first?