
The pure beauty of music is already incomprehensible
But, punk music, to me, is indispensable.

It possesses true exhilaration;
Mosh pits, fighting, and sleep deprivation.

Mohawks, liberty spikes, fades, and devilocks;
Pop punk, hardcore, emo, and punk rock.

From the painful kicks and shoves in the mosh pit
To the dozens of bodies drenched in sweat, beer, and spit.

This is a genre full of anger, angst, and adrenaline
Mixed together with denim, leather, and safety pins.

Loud guitars and firm bass lines;
The drums are beating and thumping out of time.

A punk club is just another hole in the wall;
It has graffiti everywhere in the bathroom stalls.

The audience is wild, eccentric, and unique;
Always decked out in their concert attire looking sleek.

The punk scene isn’t something that can be explained;
It’s a way of life, it’s what makes me sane.