Tell me

Tear me down
Let me hit the ground

Does it give you joy
To see me cry

Does it make you feel good
To make me feel bad

Does my pain
Amuse you

I loved you
You betrayed me

When did you stop caring
What did I do wrong

I'm sorry for whatever I did
But why must you hurt me more

Then you did before
I want to know

Tell me why
Tell me if I hurt you

I regret whatever I did
Just please stop

Stop being so mean
Stop pushing me down

And laughing at me
I don't know what I did

Please I bag you to tell me
I want to correct it

I'd do anything
Just to be at least friends

Like we we're before
Tell me what I have to do

I'll do it
Then maybe you will stop harassing me

Or we can be friends
But it will never be the same