
Paper mountains.  

Building them up, just to watch them burn. These paper mountains, the only thing in my life I can turn to new no matter how screwed it may be. Well, they were no more then an art project. 

"I want you to build something out of paper, it could be anything. A boat, a hat, whatever to you seems most relateful. Or perhaps you could be the clown and shapes balloons. Ask a child for an object to build, duplicate it if needed and show me a finished project. The purpose of this assisgnment, is to start preparing you for life in the way of art. You are learning to build up your life, when all you may be making is an apple. You're creating it, you're in control. " spoke my art teacher, Catz, funny name for a dog lover. 

I chose to build mountains.
I chose to build something that meant more then you may know, more then I knew. But building mountains, seems to have worked because these mountains are the mountains I build just to tear down in my life.

And for the heck of it, my mountains are in Pennsylvania. Their high, and I imagine houses spotted on top of them.


Sleeping, tonight , seems like a dream. A dream with no sleep, perhaps. The ripping cold October air, slides through my window resting upon my sheets upon my skin. The moon from my bed, is high and visible. I've found myself wanting to be that moon, lost inside of it. Staring down at all of the world, being more then just me.

There are bags under my eyes, I can feel them. They are red and aching, as if they're begging for sleep them self. I can not sleep, I can not rest.