Hatred breaks all things precious

I don't understand this hatred
The hatred that you hold.

I don't see what I have done
To deserve your rays of hate.

What I don't see
is what wrong I might have done,
And you for some reason -- one I can not bring myself to ponder --
Bombard me with reasons that do not matter,
Ones that have no relevance.

But does hatred ever really make sense?

You hate cause you hate,
Not because who you hate has done you wrong.

It hurts me.
My heart cracks,
Tears slip.
I don't even recognize you.

This hate,
It's changed you.
Morphed you
into what you promised you'd never be.

Can't you see,
What your hate --
so irrational and misplaced --
is doing to us?

I remember when we were close,
stuck together with glue.
This was only a year ago,
but now it's like you're letting this hatred,
tear us apart.

I try to forget,
but you and the others don't let me.

I want to move on,
but you wont allow it.

Repeatedly stabbing me,
carving your hatred in my back.

I will turn away,
let my tears silently fall,
while you stand there,
watching as my soul cracks.

I've been emotionally unstable since they day we met;
I told you things -- things I wouldnt tell anyone else.

You've used my words,
and turned them against me.

This hatred is unnecessary.
All it does is break things.
What good is it for?

I stood under the shower head,
my tears blending with the water as it hit against my head.
I couldn't tell where my tears started, nor where they ended.

In the silence that was the bathroom,
I swore i heard something crack.
I believe it was my heart.

I feel like something's broken.
Like something's missing.

I feel empty.




Not needed.

I'm stuck in the middle,
And I don't know what to do anymore.

I don't know what to say,
that wont make you go off on me.

I don't know how to make you see,
that I am still the same person you met that day.

Why can't you see?
I haven't changed.

I don't get why.
I don't see the point.
I dont see what I have done.
So please make it clear.
Not with words of hatred.

Don't break me further.
Just tell why.
Why this hatred?
♠ ♠ ♠
I am hurting. This is a explosion of that. :/