If only

If I had one day to meet you;
I would hold your hand.
I would tell you I loved you
And that I want to be with you forever.

If only I COULD be with you...

If I had just a couple of hours to spend with you,
I'd want to make it the best
Just for you.
I would want to make you happy,
Make you love me.

If only you COULD love me...

If I had just a few minutes to spare with you,
I'd want to squeeze you tight for as long as I could.
I would hold you in a warm embrace,
And say how much I care.

If only I COULD hold you...

If I only had one second to meet you,
I would just look into your eyes
As deeply as I could with the time I had.

If only I COULD meet you...

If I had the rest of my life with you,
I would spend every day, hour. minute, and second
Completely in love
And happy.
And tell you how much I loved you,
And listen to whatever you had to say.
I would love you and hold you and kiss you and look into your eyes as deep as I wanted.
Just because I could.

If only....