Mask of Sin

The darkest moon I've ever seen, set in a woods forever deep
You're eyes shining intently with forethought of your actions, undoubtedly wicked
I run with dread for what's planning in your head
The sun had shone so brightly on this morning
Now the sky was in mourning, black as a funeral
You've already done beyond too much, how could you want more?
The stars were glistening
Reflecting the tear tracks down the skin of my cheeks
Blurring my sight until it's hard to see past the thick bush of trees
The trees are hollow, and I'm afraid I will soon follow
You were perfect
I should've known it could be only but a dream
No one is ever as they seem
I'm in a race against you, and against death
I've began to loose hope, what I was running for, I forget
Not even am I filled with sorrow for what will come
Limbs aching, and heart throbbing, pounding
It never ends
You still follow
My body is pleading to go on but my mind is ready to give up
I can't even regret, I hate I still love the time we spent
I know, this will never end
I just can only hope you're a hero under your mask of sin