If This Ain't Love Then I Don't Know What Love Is

I've wanted to put this gun to your head for so long
I've wanted to see the blood run down your face
I've wanted to hear the bang of the bullet breaking your skull
I've wanted to see you drop lifeless to the ground

But now that I've done it, I feel regret
Your life is gone, your soul diminished
And I feel bad that you had to go
Though It was my fault you died
I wish you'de come back

I told you I was a King
You said I was girl
I told you I was a Queen
You said I was a child

You told me you were happy
I told you you should die
You told me you loved her
I told you she should die

You put me down and shut me up
I stood by and took it all
I put you down and shut you up
and you left me for her

everything goes back to this
The night i wont forget
the day I took this bullet
and put it in your head

Things were said
Threats exchanged
But I now wish that you could feel me holding you in my arms
But you can't because you're dead