And Now You're Gone

I remember when we first met.
I remember when we first talked.
When we first became friends.
When we first ate together.
When we first laughed together,
Smiled together,
Made memories together.

I remember the day you left.
I remember it clearly.
Painfully clearly.
Every second of it hurting me, like stepping on glass.

I remember the shock.
I remember the denial.
The anger.
The depression.
The wondering.

Had I done something?
Was it me?
Did I see this coming?

I don't know why you did that.
And I'm not sure I ever will.
Nor will I ever want to.

But your six feet under.
And you aren't coming back.
And it kills me.
It kills us all.

You were beautiful.
You were happy.
You were amazing.
You were my friend.

But thats all gone now.
Your life is nothing but a memory.
And memories fade.

So whose to say you'll be different?
Who says you'll still be remembered,
6 months from now?
6 years?

I promise to remember you.
I promise forever.
I can't forget you,
Because your not like anyone else.

You made everything easier.
And then made everything worse.
I'll continue living for you.
My twin.

I'll do the things you can't do.
I'll do the things we would have done.
I'll do them all.
Because its what you would have wanted.

But I still feel the pain.
And I'm still going to miss you.
But at least I know,
That in those few minutes between dreams and reality,
You still exist there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, yeah i know.
It sucks, thanks.
But this is basically all my thoughts about a friend of mine who committed suicide condensed into .. well, this.