I love you is 8 letters, but so is bullshit...

I woke up startled one night
Your face haunting my dreams
That one dream made me turn on the light
I hate it when you and Mum made me choose teams
But now you gone because I chose her side
I love you has eight letters
I cant believe I believed your lies
I hope you learn to respect your betters

All in all I love you has eight letters
But so does Bullshit
To me everything what comes out of your mouth is bullshit
Nothing you say is the truth it simply is to hard for you
You tell me you love me but where are you
You have her your new whore and her perfect kids
I hate you even though you are my father,
You’re the one who should be locked up
But instead it was me in the hospital scrubs
My wrists heavily bandaged stitches laid underneath them
I done this because of you
You’re a selfish bastard and I hope you rot in hell

I know this isn’t really a poem but I needed to vent, so you know…