Rehabilitation or regression.

I seem to have changed,
Into something new.
A colossal range,
Of emotion askew.
Or is this the past,
Taking hold again.
Not much of me lasts,
I have to adapt to maintain.

Am I an evil being?
Am I a creature of good?
Neither of which I'm seeing,
they're concepts misunderstood.
I know my wrong from right,
Though I rarely show remorse.
A rarely witnessed plight,
Though shared in open discourse.

Many don't read between the lines,
They see what's written as gospel.
No one seems to analyse,
Actions sometimes seen as artful.
My addictions have been smothered,
Although they cry out to be fed.
Cravings that seem strange to others,
Are often most blessed by the dead.

So I ask you this,
Is the answer repression?
Is this rehabilitation remiss?
Or is this regression?
Am I human now truly?
Or did my cravings make me so?
A monster changed duly?
Or a true human simply changing flow?