Somehow in my dreams

So many memories
so many laughs
so many hugs
so many just me and you

so many feelings
so many sighs
so many so many highs
so many cries

somehow it seems to be disapearing
somehow it seems to slip through our fingertips
somehow we have drifted apart

oh how i wish you were here
oh how i wish i weree with you

how i wish that we could just snuggle up in bed and fall asleep knowing that we were safe and that you wouldn't leave me....

yeah the cat may meow but that only makes it seems like i am with a real family....

In my dreams i don't cry
in my dreams i don't cry
in my dreams my tears are drouned in the sound of your voice and your touch of love

in my dreams you are holding me close to your heart and i can hear it beating but not just for you but as a rythem to our life and what we play