I Hate You.

I'm so sick and tired of this smile.
So sick and tired of the lies.
Sick of everybody giving me shit.
Its my life, just leave me alone.

My confidence is faltering.
I can't keep up this charade.
I hate being the "strong one".
I can't keep up with myself.

I seem fine to everyone else.
Inside I'm screaming murder.
Fighting back the tears that threaten.
I'm sick of crying over you.

You've been me through so much shit.
I should be done and over you.
But, I can't stop thinking about us.
Its driving me insane.

Just go away and leave me alone.
Please just save me the heartache.
I can't stand to see your face near me.
My heart still skips a beat.

I hate that I love you so damn much.
Its wrong and stupid, I know.
Its the truth, which is more than you ever gave me.
Heh. What did I ever expect out of you.

Who do you think about while we're together?
Do you even still care about me at all?
She's your ideal girl, long hair, pretty, and natural blonde.
I'm short, with a pixie cut and dyed black with eyeliner.

I hope you have fun with her. (:
Get an STD or a child.
Either one, I don't care.
Ruin your own life like you did mine.

I'm sick of seeing your face.
I'm sick of your voice, your name.
D.W.B.J. Forever scared into my heart.
I was gonna get a tattoo for you.

But I guess thats all over now. =/
♠ ♠ ♠
D.W.B.J are his initials. Just so you guys aren't like "wtfudge does that mean? D: ". but yahh... My poems don't make much sense. they don't rhyme. I'm not looking for perfection. I'm trying to keep myself from cutting by rambling in stanza (: I don't care if you like it or not. Just don't be a hater;))