
You wouldn’t expect to find beauty in a cemetery
I didn’t believe it was possible
After all, with so much death and sadness
How could there possibly be a lone streak of beauty
But I was sitting by my grandpa’s grave
Staring at the plaque
Admiring the lovely daffodils someone laid against the stone
My eyes traced and retraced his name
As my fingers played with the grass
No one else was in the section where I sat
It was eerily silent, save a few talkative birds
I was thinking about him, you know
Wondering if he was in Heaven
If he was doing okay, watching us from above
I wondered if he missed us, if his laugh was still the same
I remembered how I was always his two-buck girl
Because I never wanted anything but him to love me
Though he felt he had to give me something ‘real’
Then the birds chirped and I lost my train of thought
Instead I glanced up at the trees and ogled
Softly at the stillness
The trees were brilliant, lit up by the sun
The grass was a healthy green, with no weeds that I could see
There were bushes thriving on the outskirts
A brand new curb beside my car
The moon was faintly visible
Right there beside the sun and stars
And it was peaceful, oh so terribly peaceful
That I didn’t ever want to leave
Everything made sense there
All my thoughts, my fears, my emotions
Even grandpa’s premature passing
Made a tiny bit of sense
And it was beautiful, to have this happen
At least that’s how it seems to me