Fragments of Humanity

She held her life in her own hands as if it were a baby.

Staying inside, staying safe, staying content.

Being content is what keeps humanity at bay.

But she didn't know this.

No, nobody knew this.

And so they fought against their own beings without any knowledge of it.

And they fought against their own will without any knowledge of it.

They chose to watch from the other side of a dirty window pane.

And when they could hear Death coming nearer and nearer,

They found they weren't ready to leave this earth.

Not without an adventure, they said.

Not without living, they cried.

And Death frowned,

For surely he hadn't come early.

Surely these people had lived long lives.

And when he saw the girl,

Still holding her own life in her hands as if it were a baby,

He understood.

And he held the crying fragments of humanity as if they were only babies.