All Hallow's Pumpkin

Out of the fog crawls a curly vine
It slithers and glides into sight
A bright orange pumpkin follows right behind
It's the fifth one to enter our night!

Hopping onto the gate and singing a tune,
A child skips along in front of him
With the chilling vine chasing his cloak,
The Monster Mash was supposed to end at noon

Then the witch crackles with candy and excitement
To think that in the old days witches awaited their doom!
Her broom stick drags beside her on the ground
Her spell book spews potions and fumes

Pretending to float is a ghost spilling goodies
His first words have always been "Boo!"
But his friends aren't scared under this moon
Unless they enter the crooked house beside the old tomb

Mummies mumbled their long hidden voice
They walk at a very slow pace
They better hurry or guess who will catch up?
The zombies plan to win this race!

Then the Gremlins giggle when it strikes twelve
Their hunger now takes the lead!
But now the Hallow's Eve children have long returned home
Even the pumpkin rolls in preparation for retreat

And as he rolls, he begins to fade
The hill grows dark with his last light
There were a last few teenagers that were out to play,
But now they've ended their trickster frights

The vine grows old with its leaves falling thin
It crumbles as the pumpkin shrinks
And the pumpkin's smile begins to tremble
Into the fog, the pumpkin has leaped