Ungrateful little person you are. “karmas a bitch” damn right and she fucked you up just like you needed maybe this will set you straight maybe you’ll see the better option you gave up at least you were wanted at least you were needed instead you got played. What don’t I get?? What’s so complicated about letting go???! I had to do it twice y can’t you at least have to do it once! Learn the pain having to let someone go! It’s your turn! Told you they don’t want you1 they never did so why is it so complicated you can’t let go! Tell me1 open my eyes because apparently they’ve been closed for so long they can’t see what is right in front of them! Let him go like you let me go! Why am I always so easy to toss away…why? What exactly do you think of me? What am I to you? What have I ever been!? All this time who were we?! All this time you haven’t changed and you expect things to go your way just cause now you’re in love?! Bullshit. Who do you think you are? We all suffer from the things we do. Closure?? Why should you have it when you never gave it?! Fuck id give anything to erase my days with you from my mind1 can you do that for me? You know what never mind. Todays the day I stop missing you.