Bland World

The world is a bland thing
Nothing seems to excite me
My eyes have become bored
Such a bland world it is
Here in my little world

My hands reach for a better world
One that's so much more exciting
Where is that world?
I have been waiting so long for,
All these bland years?

Oh,please bland world
Give me a place to go
Where the world is exciting
And my eyes light up
As the excitement races through my veins

My life draws to an end,
No excitement ever came my way
Where has that world gone?
My eyes have once more become dull,
Oh bland world it is.

I catch a glimpse
Of an exciting world,
In the eyes of a child
Bound to become dull,
As life becomes bland

So i draw my last breath
Watching the eyes of the child,
Growing up in the exciting world
Grow dull as the years past,
He too thinks the world is bland

Oh what a world this is,
So bland and dull
No one lives an exciting life
When they grow older,
Oh bland world has been created