Come What May

“Here comes the lions,” said the knight,
“With their mouths ajar and their paws affright”
“Hark!” said the master to the king
“Send out the knight and let him cling
To his armor and to his pride
Let him show us just what’s inside”

So out came the knight in his armor
And got on his horse with his honor
Brave was he and strong was his horse
The king knew he’s pass the course
As did the knight-as so he thought

The lions roared-it was him they sought
Fear dwelt in him, all at once
Moreover, doubt filled his mind-yes, every ounce
But suddenly the sun had been unleashed
And before the knight sat a beautiful beast
King of the lions, fierce and strong

Roaring like lightening, and all fear was gone
Therefore, the knight sat upon the lions back
And off they went without looking back
Strangely, though, the lion did not fight
It walked up to its enemies with peace
The other lions roared with all their might

Therefore, the knight jumped off the lion
He was ready-oh so ready to fight
But the lion disagreed, he wasn’t gonna let ‘m die
So he roared with haste at the knight
And saw the fear he’d put in his eyes
And all at once, the lions attacked

Down went the king, all strength he lacked
The crowed yelled, “Run!” and the knight was gone
Without a second to spare-the fight was done
“He gave his life for me,”
Said the knight to his king
“Oh how he helped me see
Just what life was meant to be!”
“Whatever do you mean?” said the king
“Well,” began the knight without haste
“Life is such a beauty-the sweetest taste
We mustn’t rule in evil ways
We mustn’t try to manipulate
But rather go against the fight
Come what may-do what’s right.”